Diving trips

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What to do when you join us for diving trips

Diving must be fun and relaxed. Exactly what you can expect from Scuba Sur Diving Gran Canaria! In order to do a diving trip, we first meet in the office to complete the registration and agree on a planning. If you dived with us before, we have you data in our system, so paperwork is limited. After the registration, you prepare your gear for the dive. Our staff takes care of the logistics and transport. We provide you with a storage box to store all your belongings while you are diving. It will be locked in the center, dry and safe, waiting for your return. Once dressed up, we just have a 5 minutes walk to the boat where you get the safety and dive briefing. After the last check of all the equipment, weights and safety materials, we depart for the dive site.

The planning

All dives are done with our 7.5 meter rib called YOLO-1, capable of taking up to 10 divers. We depart from the ANFI marina, a 5 minutes walk from our dive center. Our prices include all the boat fees, so no surprises at the end!
In the mornings we only have certified divers on board. As such we dive at more distant places or at sites with greater depth, leaving port around 09:00. For organisational reasons we combine sites in the same direction for a double dive. After the first dive, during a 45 to 60 minutes surface interval, you  swap cylinders while the staff  briefs you on the second dive site. The return to the marina is expected around 12:30-13:00.In the afternoon we typically have a mixed group. Introduction divers, snorkellers and courses join the certified divers. Seen the mixed experiences and competences, we stay close to shore for a shallow dive. This allows snorkelers to enjoy their activities as well. We try to leave port for the afternoon activities around 14:00, expecting to be back around 16:00.Yolo-UNO
Interested in a night dive, have a chat with the Scuba Sur Diving team in order how and when we can organize it.

Boat Dive Rules

We conduct all our dives in the safest way possible. Nevertheless we want you to enjoy the dives fully. As such following rules apply for boat dives:
  • A dives lasts maximun 50 minutes
  • A dive ends at 50 bar remaining gas
  • We do not enter into deco
Whatever comes first. You will be reminded of these rules prior of every dive.

The dive sites

We mainly dive in the south where we have about 30 documented dive sites. The sites vary in depth and type. There are vulcanic reefs, artificial reefs and wrecks, varying from 9 to close to 50 meters. Seen the variaty of the sites, we offer something for every diver. Below you find a small selection of some of the dive site. Occasionally and on demand we can organise dives in center and the north of the island. For some we have partnerships with other centres allowing us to do some boat dives in the norts as well. Check out our  Diving in the North offering is you are interested.    


Pasito Blanco – Natural Reef

Boat | 17-19m

When you dive at Pasito Blanco you will be amazed by its beauty and wildlife. The site is located in front of the harbour of Pasito Blanco in the south of the island.


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Artificial Reef

Boat | 23m

A great dive at Artificial Reef, the concrete structures on the fantastic white sandy bottom. A 24 meter dive you will never forget.


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Boat | 15-16m

The dive at Meteor is an easy wreck dive you all can enjoy. Although heavily damaged, it is the habitat of may sea creatures.


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Arguineguin Reef

Boat | 12-16m

Dive at Arguineguin Reef to see the many life making the vulcanic rocks their habitat.


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Magic II

Boat | 12 - 20 m

Dive at Magic II is accessible for all divers. Thanks to the many possibe routes, even divers limited to 12 mtrs fully enjoy the dive.


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Balito Deep

Boat | 23m

A dive at Balito Deep, just in front of Anfi, is only for advanced divers. With a depth of 23 meters you must prepare to watch your no-deco time.


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Bahia Lila

Boat | 5-15m

Discover Bahia Lila, the Scuba Sur house reef. Most of our trainees have completed their Open Water courses here. Thanks to the landscape, everyone can enjoy the dive.


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Boat | 33 m

Embark on an exhilarating underwater adventure with our deep dive to a sailboat wreck at 33 meters. This captivating experience is tailored for experienced divers, unveiling the mysteries of the deep as you explore the haunting beauty of the sunken vessel. Discover the secrets of the depths in a dive reserved for the bold and adept.


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Mogan Wrecks

Boat | 18-20m

If you are into wreck diving, you must discover Mogan Wrecks. Two shipwrecks at a short distance fron eachother at a depth of 18 meters.


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Mogan Caves

Boat | 10-15m

Head toward Mogan Caves, direction southwest from Puerto de Mogan, and you’ll come across a delightful marine reserve known as El Perchel. It’s easy to spot the immense volcanic wall emerging from the sea, serving as a habitat for numerous seabirds.


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