Dive at Magic II is accessible for all divers. Thanks to the many possibe routes, even divers limited to 12 mtrs fully enjoy the dive.
They constructed the Anfi harbor wall on top of a large volcanic reef in the 90s. The wall covers a portion of the reef, but what remains is magical.
The volcanic rocks that constitute the reef are mixed with sand plains and numerous stones, forming part of the harbor wall. Thus, you have three distinct living areas to explore.
The sandy seabed serves as the ideal hunting ground for the many rays that inhabit the nearby shore. These rays are easily spotted due to the distinct patterns in the sand. As a result, smaller marine life inhabits the rock formations, providing convenient hiding spots when predators are nearby.
To discover nudi branches, sea slugs, sea cucumbers, Canarian lobsters, scorpion fish, cuttlefish, moray eels, and more, you must examine the spaces between the rocks of the harbor wall. Additionally, you will typically come across quite a few anemones.
Location and planning
We dive at Magic II by boat for a boatride of about 5 minutes. The site is located at about 0.5 Nm (1Km) from Scuba Sur.
We dive the site in the morning and the afternoon. In the morning dives the site is often combined with a much deeper dive such as Sailboat .